


We welcome original, unpublished contributions on research, development, applications and evaluation, covering all areas of natural language processing, ranging from basic questions to practical implementations of natural language resources, components and systems.

The special theme of this year’s KONVENS is “Deep Linguistic Modeling”, which is intended to cover NLP with deep neural networks as well as deep symbolic NLP and the relation and combination of these two kinds of approaches. We especially encourage the submission of contributions relating to this theme.


We welcome the following two types of contributions:

  • Long papers (8 pages plus references), describing original research with substantial new results
  • Short papers (4 pages plus references), including small focused contributions, work in progress, as well as descriptions of projects, systems and resources

Both long and short papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program chairs. The decisions will be based on the nature rather than the quality of the work. The conference languages are English and German. We encourage the submission of contributions in English. The review process will be double-blind. We ask authors to anonymize their submission accordingly. It is planned to publish the conference proceedings in the ACL Anthology.


June 4, 2021 (extended): Paper submission due (long & short papers)
July 21, 2021: Notification of acceptance
August 16, 2021: Camera-ready papers due
September 6-9, 2021: KONVENS


Papers should be formatted in accordance with the ACL style sheets ( We strongly encourage authors to use LaTeX in preparing their document. Papers should be submitted as PDF files anonymously via Easychair (


We cordially invite submissions of two types of shared task proposals as part of KONVENS 2021:

  1. Shared tasks in line with the GermEval campaign that focus on NLP for the German language. See for an overview of previous GermEval tasks.
  2. Shared tasks not restricted to German that are related to the special theme “Deep Linguistic Modeling” of the conference.

Proposals for shared tasks should contain:

  • a title and a brief description of the topic of the task and its potential impact on the NLP community and on society,
  • a description of the data sets that will be used in the shared task and their readiness,
  • a sketch of how the submitted systems will be evaluated.

Please submit your shared task proposal by email to preferably no later than Friday, March 5, 2021. Notifications will be sent out within a week.

While fixing the exact timeline for the shared task is up to the task organizers, we propose the following tentative schedule:

Trial data ready: April 15, 2021
Training data ready: May 15, 2021
Test data ready: June 23, 2021
Evaluation start: June 30, 2021
Evaluation end: July 7, 2021
Paper submission due: July 15, 2021
Camera ready due: August 10, 2021
KONVENS conference: September 6-9, 2021


We cordially invite the submission of proposals for workshops and tutorials as part of KONVENS 2021. Workshop proposals should contain:

  • a title and a brief description of the workshop topic,
  • the desired workshop length (half-day or full-day),
  • the names and email addresses of the organizers, with one-paragraph statements of their research interests and areas of expertise,
  • a list of potential members of the program committee, with an indication of which members have already agreed to serve.

Workshop proposals should be submitted by e-mail to preferably no later than Friday, March 12, 2021. Notifications will be sent out within a week.

Organizers of accepted proposals will be responsible for publicizing and running the workshop, including reviewing submissions and producing the camera-ready workshop proceedings.


We cordially invite the submission of proposals for tutorials as part of KONVENS 2021. Tutorials are intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to core techniques and areas of interest for the KONVENS community. We are interested in half-day tutorials on established or emerging research topics in these areas but we also welcome tutorials from related research fields or applications. The ideal tutorial should attract a wide audience. It should be broad enough to provide a basic introduction to the chosen research area, but it should also cover the most important topics in depth.

Tutorial proposals should contain:

  • a title and abstract of the tutorial,
  • a brief description of the tutorial content and its relevance to the KONVENS community,
  • a brief outline of the tutorial structure showing that the tutorial’s core content can be covered in half a day,
  • the names and email addresses of the tutorial instructors, including one-paragraph statements of their research interests and areas of expertise,
  • a list of previous venues and approximate audience sizes, if the same or a similar tutorial has been given elsewhere.

Tutorial proposals should be submitted by e-mail to preferably no later than Friday, April 16, 2021. Notifications will be sent out by end of April.